Day 2 of being in Sint Maarten, I went to this quaint little breakfast spot called Reveil Matin SxM. The food was good and French toast was bomb. They added some onions to their skillet potatoes and I’ve never had them like that before, so the flavor was indescribable. All I know is, they slap! They were really, really good!
I got a couple of free mimosas from some married black couple who im pretty sure wanted to touch my private parts. (I didn’t let them because I’m a gentleman.) They were really nice and cool though and I appreciated the gesture. I left there to explore the area and visited a few shops where I eventually came to a bar and one of the local island dudes or so I though he was, swore up and down that he knew me. (This is my first time here so he was a ugly snaggle tooth, bald headed liar!) I told him that I have never been here and he said, “Yes you did, I remember your tag on your arm (I had on a tank top and my brands were showing.) He then said, “We did some cocaine by the beach!” I said, “COCAINE, MAN I don’t do no damn cocaine!” He started laughing, thinking I was playing and said, “Yeah Mon! we had a good time. It was you and two of ya friends!” (I’m scared shitless at this point. Because I didn’t know if this mofo was trying to give me some cocaine or if he was going to say I owed him some money.) Anyhow, I just said F*ck it and told him I remember. He laughed, he offered me some more cocaine. I told him that my sinuses were acting up and that I was good. We ended up having a beer and a few shots and I left.
I some kinda way ended up at a party called insomnia that ended at 11 over on this big strip that had alot of shops there. When the party was over, I walked with a group of strangers to an after party at the Sonesta next to the venue. We got through the main building and out to the courtyard of the resort and guess what happened…
We got chased (once a damn gain, I’m being chased on this fricken island) by some security guards for not having on a wrist band proving that I lived at the resort.
It was so chaotic that I acted like I belonged there and I didn’t run while the security guards chased everyone else who did. I walked away calmly and hid in the bathroom for like 5 minutes. When I came out I saw a group of ladies and I followed them to the party which was on the 4th floor.
About 20 minutes into the party, a lady with an orange dress on (who was really pretty) bought me a drink. (I didn’t know if she wanted my privates or not because she was really touchy feely. An by this time I was feeling myself, but for 1 night only. I was going to the devil win and not be a Christian that night. I was gonna lose my religion and give this woman some of what the good lord blessed me with and that’s this meat.) but It turns out that she was just being cool and flirty so her ovaries were saved on this night. She did say that she thought that I was cute but her home girl spotted me first. Then she said something about girl code and yah, yah, yah! ( I was like yeah what ever) but anyhow, she was trying to fix me up with this damn big, wide-back, booga-wolf that was with her. (Just no… Hell to the no! An yes, I know she could be a nice person and I like big women too but I don’t give a good, got damn. Just no!)
I managed to make it back to my hotel with out getting killed and chased by an animal so the night turned out to be pretty chill. Oh, I ate at JAX stake house. It is a must eat when you’re here. It’s expensive but worth it. I posted some photos at the bottom of this page of some of the meals from JAX steak house.
I don’t know what’s going to happen on day 3 but I am excited.
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