After we made it to our hotel, The Reef 28, It was nearly 11 p.m. and the hotel kitchen was closed, so we ended up at some restaurant called Eldiez. The food there was just ok, the staff was accommodating and friendly but it was nothing to write home about. The atmosphere of this place was lively, but it’s only because of the location. It’s not somewhere that you would want to eat a second time.
While we were eating, there were these two women who had come sashaying through the crowd. They had somehow made eye contact with Franklin. They had moved with such confidence and boldness that they had both immediately stood out to us. They were enamored with Franklin’s teeth that were being illuminated and seemingly glistening from light that was shing from the dilapidated light fixture in the dimly lit restaurant. His arms were out, resembling the rugged texture of stone and softness of fine linen. His head was smooth and hairless; his chiseled physique had sent out a frequency that only they could decipher. As they made their way to our table, they started talking to Franklin, who ostensibly wowed them with his use of the english vocabulary. Teddy was eating his toastadas, acting all innocent and stuff, and then there I was. Sitting across from Franklin, fill with jealousy. (I don’t care yall say, I’m David Ruffin, and ain’t nobody come to see Otis!) l was hating on this bald headed bastard because I’m the cute one, lol. How dare these possumed faced heffas not acknowledge my presence.

Alas, they joined us, and we had a really dope time. We left the restaurant and walked to where some folks were the were doing Karoke… Before I knew it, we were dancing in the streets and some little Mexican kids had come from nowhere at 12 in the morning selling damn churros and arm bracelets.