Our morning started with a time share presentation. How we ended up on a list for a time share beats the hell out of me. I assume when we left the restaurant drunk, we got roped into it. But anyhow we went and met this lady name Bianca after a 20 minute cab ride to the Villa Del Palmar Flamingo location, we stayed at the Villa Del Palmar Beach Resort and Spa.
Biance was a cute little Mexican thang that looked just like the lady that plays in all the Wonder Woman movies. Although she was very beautiful, I for one likes my women black (thats just my preference). Two, I like my women over the age of 30 she was 28 and lastly, I like my women over 180lbs and she was maybe 130 or 140 give or take 5lbs.
To me, if shes under 180, she aint no lady. (No offense to you smaller women, but I likes my women thick)

Furthermore, I likes to wrestle with my women a lil bit, so before you silde in my inbox just know. You gotta be two some to do some. Ijs
Every so often I will take one of you little 160-170lbs heffas but that’s neither here nor there. So, back to the story. The Bianca lady took us to breakfast and was telling me, Teddy and Franklin about the property. I had my hair down and not on purpose. However, when I do, I obviously stand out. *Side Bar* (Yes, sometimes I am an attention whore but this wasn’t one of those times and “Yes!”, I’ve been a whore most of my life and “NO!” I’m not a whore anymore. I have changed and I’m a Christian and a Gentleman!)
So, Bianca walked us to the omlete station, which was outside and I left to go inside to get some fruit. The Bianca lady had brought her girlfriend Paula up to meet me and she asked me about my hair and how long I had been growing it. The Paula lady was very pretty too, she looked like the lady Chole’ who plays on the show “Lucifer” on Netflix. Go see if it you haven’t and “Ozark” has its final season out so go watch that too.
Anyway, the Paula lady said to me as I was getting some pineapples, “Is every thing on your body as long as your hair!?”

I was flabbergasted at what she asked.. *side bar* Now for those of you that don’t know, I am a humble member of the illustrious Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated. Where all of the humble, faithful, God-fearing men come to join.
What this young lady had just done was opened a door. A door that I said that I would not open nor walk through again… But what this muthaf***er had just done, was she asked for those demons, those demons that I battled for so long. She with her ungodly comment had summoned them from the pits of Tartarus!
Part two of Day 2 coming soon.